Furosemide Alshahba 500


Each tablet contains:

Furosemide 500mg.


 Furosemide 500 tablets are destined for use exclusively in patients with severely reduced glomerular filtration (glomerular filtration rate (GFR < 20 ml/min).

Furosemide 500 mg Tablets are indicated as a diuretic in the management of oliguria in chronic renal insufficiency.


Adults and children over 12 years: For cases of chronic renal insufficiency, an initial dose of 250mg (half a tablet) is employed. If a satisfactory diuresis is not achieved then the dose may be increased in steps of 250mg at 4-6 hourly intervals up to a maximum dose of 3 tablets (1.5g) as a single dose in 24 hours. In exceptional cases up to 4 tablets (2g) in 24 hours may be given.

Pediatric population : The 500 mg strength is not recommended for use in children and adolescents under 18 years of age due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy .


20 tablet.